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This rules. I felt inspired to write for the first time in awhile recently and it was about decline. Seems its in the air. My friends and I have talked for awhile about how services have gotten worse since covid. Fast food workers forget parts of orders, no one cares, fedex employees make you wait to take your completed package, no one cares. But can you really blame them? Its the feeling of the time. I feel it too. I’ve certainly become lazier and more of a shit in some regards.

I can very much relate to your encounter at the post office. I find myself locking my home and car more often than I should feel the need to simply because something could happen, and its not even the consequence I fear, simply the fact that I will have to *deal* with something. I already have to deal with laundry, and emails, and keeping my face clean, who wants to add on anything else? I heard a great blurb today about how we all know we should cook more, exercise more, read etc but we rarely do. I think that really sums up where we are, an age of unprecedented knowledge and equally unprecedented apathy. Generations before people threw themselves into mineshafts and drank lead with reckless abandon because improvement was on the horizon; now people can’t even show up to virtual meetings with doordash breakfast and fuzzy socks because decline is all we see coming.

The postmistress and her dog sound very nice by the way, I hope no one ruins it anytime soon. Reminds me of my time in the hospital this morning, when the security guard at check-in told me I “couldn’t sit like that” in regards to my sitting lengthwise along some bench seating in one of the only areas without a TV blaring something awful about a kid shooting a teacher or migrants riding in garbage trucks. Bench seating that, mind you, no one has ever used, and I was taking up maybe 1/5 of. Thankfully I later found an empty prayer room and lied down on the seating there.

Oh and I feel you on the ebay thing, I bought some mtg singles on ebay awhile back and realized many sellers didn’t accurately advertise their cards. When I reached out for correction one person said they’d fix things if I sent it back. I did (paying for postage myself of course). They sent me a refund rather than the correct card. But hey, what can you do. No one cares

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